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Issue 23

Our Trinity issue includes Stanley Fish on justice, Hannah Rowan on fat, Edmund Waldstein on King Lear, Jude Russo on medical billing, Urban Hannon on Saint Perpetua, as well as contributions from Samantha Kelly, Will Thibeau, Jaspreet Singh Boparai, Theodore Dalrymple, Joseph Bottum, Nic Rowan, Thomas Colbyry, Jane Cooper, and Bill McCormick.


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Issue 23

Our Trinity issue includes Stanley Fish on justice, Hannah Rowan on fat, Edmund Waldstein on King Lear, Jude Russo on medical billing, Urban Hannon on Saint Perpetua, as well as contributions from Samantha Kelly, Will Thibeau, Jaspreet Singh Boparai, Theodore Dalrymple, Joseph Bottum, Nic Rowan, Thomas Colbyry, Jane Cooper, and Bill McCormick.

Issue 22

Our Easter issue includes Matthew Walther on VIRTUS, Timothy P. Carney on parenting, Clare Coffey on housekeeping, Peter Tonguette on his mother and the movies, Dan Hitchens on a rave in Canterbury, Nic Rowan on happiness, Mary Ann Glendon on her childhood, as well as contributions from Casey Chalk, Jude Russo, Jason Paone, Thomas Colbyry, Jaspreet Singh Boparai, William Giraldi, and Eve Tushnet.

Issue 21

Our Lent issue features Helen Andrews against human resources, Christopher Caldwell against human rights, Paul J. Griffiths against human flourishing, Robert Wyllie against humanity, Sam Kriss on drugs, Mary Harrington on feminism, John Ahern on modern music, as well as contributions from Francis Young, Lu Zhengxiang, Aníbal Sabater, Christopher McCaffery, Theodore Dalrymple, Peter Hitchens, and Santi Ruiz.

Issue 20

Our Christmas issue features the editor on why people go to Mass, Nathan Payne on the Great Books project, Carino Hodder on Confession, Jaspreet Singh Boparai on Pico della Mirandola, Theodore Dalrymple on Marshal Pétain's trial, as well as the winner of our ghost story contest, Thomas Casey, and contributions from Tess Owen, C.J. Ciaramella, Steven D. Smith, Steven Knepper, Nathan Pinkoski, Dan Moore, and R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.