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Carino Hodder

Carino Hodder is a Dominican Sister of Saint Joseph based in the New Forest in England.

Digital Witness

On online depictions of religious life.

What Is ‘Spiritual Abuse’?

On the definition of a grave moral wrong.

The Nudge Inside

On vocations promotion.

On the Rupnik scandal.

The Almighty Has Worked Marvels for Me

On the lifelong process of seeking God's mercy.

Hidden Treasury of Compassion

On abuse victims as agents of mercy.

Like and Not Like a Wedding

On relating the religious life to married life.

Re-enchanting Celibacy

On celibacy capable of making saints.

The Lamp is published by the Three Societies Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Three Rivers, Michigan, in partnership with The Institute for Human Ecology at The Catholic University of America. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Institute for Human Ecology or The Catholic University of America or of its officers, directors, editors, members, or staff.

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