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Minoo Dinshaw

Minoo Dinshaw is the author of Outlandish Knight: The Byzantine Life of Steven Runciman and a contributing editor at The Lamp.

The Haunted Wood: A History of Childhood Reading, Sam Leith, Sutherland House Books, pp. 602, $38.95

On Pope Pius II.

House of the Dragon 


(live and streaming) 

The Rings of Power 

Amazon Studios 


On Henry Benedict Stuart, Cardinal Duke of York

On Saint Louis IX.

One-line description.

The Lamp is published by the Three Societies Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Three Rivers, Michigan, in partnership with The Institute for Human Ecology at The Catholic University of America. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Institute for Human Ecology or The Catholic University of America or of its officers, directors, editors, members, or staff.

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